Directive 2014/65/EU (MiFID II) for the Markets in Financial Instruments (MiFID) constitutes a development of the directive 2004/39/EU and it is the basic legislative instrument of the European Union (EU) regarding the provision of investment and ancillary services for the countries which belong to the European Economic Area (E.E.A).
MiFID II has been integrated to the national legislation with national Law No.4514/2018 combined with any delegated decisions and additional instructions which have been issued from the Hellenic Capital Market Commission and the Bank of Greece.
MiFID ΙΙ sets the rules that must be followed by the Investment Firms and the Credit Institutions which provide investment and ancillary services or undertake investment operations.
The aim of this single regulatory framework is, inter alia, the greatest transparency in the markets operation, the increased competition within European Union and the provision of a higher level of investor protection.
Complying with the above framework, our Company, among others, categorize its clients according the MiFiD criteria, provides information about pre-contractual terms, the Best execution policy and the Conflicts of interest policy.
KIDs - PRIIPS - Key Information Documents
According to Regulation (EU) 286/2014 of the European Parliament and the Council Committee of November 26th 2014 regarding the key information documents related to packaged retail investment and insurance products (PRIIPs), the following definitions apply:
As “Packaged Retail & Insurance-based Investment Product” (PRIIP) means an investment in which, regardless its legal form, the amount that is paid to the retail investor is subject to fluctuations because it is exposed to the reference values or to the performances of one or more assets which cannot be purchased directly from the retail investor. In particular, when referring to an insurance-based investment product it means an insurance product whose maturity or call value is either totally or partly, directly or indirectly, exposed, in market fluctuations.
A “manufacturer” or “producer” of a PRIIP means any entity that manufactures PRIIPs, as well as any entity that makes changes to an existing PRIIP including, but not limited to, altering its risk and reward profile or the costs associated with an investment in a PRIIP.
The PRIIP manufacturer creates for the product a Key Information Document “KID” and posts it on its website. The KID constitutes an accurate, fair, clear and not misleading pre-contractual information. It also provides key information and is consistent with any binding contractual documents, with the relevant parts of the offer documents and with the terms and conditions of the PRIIP.
RTS 28 – Best Execution Reporting
Reporting Year: 2023 | |
Execution Venues | Execution Entities |
Reporting Year: 2022 | |
Execution Venues | Execution Entities |